
When we started this adoption process we knew it would test our patience, our faith, and maybe our sanity. We’ve waited 6 months for our home study to be completed (a process that normally takes 2-3) and are now witnessing a lot of changes happening in the DRC that have brought many new cases screeching to a halt. We have had some bad feelings as we continued to move forward but thought there were no other options. When Nick wrote this post we were contacted by an adoptive mama whom I truly admire (both for her parenting style and honesty). She has had her two babies home for almost a year and was kind enough to share their agency information with us. This agency checked all of our boxes, except one. We would have to switch countries. With our heart being in one place for so long the thought of switching seemed too hard, too unfair. And yet, the more we learned more about this country and it’s children the more we felt drawn to it. After much research, praying, consulting with family and the agency director we decided to make the switch. We signed with our new agency yesterday and will be adopting a little boy from Ethiopia in the next year or so. This decision was not easy and it was not about our timeline but what we feel is right for our family. Hopefully in a few years when we are ready to adopt again the DRC will be more stable. Until then we are super excited about this change.